Is Limiting LLMs possible?

How do we limit and regulate LLMs and AI? We approach this at multiple angles and look through what it’s like to regulate this type of technology.

If you’re interested in the limits of any technology, and specifically how AI gets regulated, and where we’re likely to impose legislative barriers or restrictions on this, then this will be a fascinating podcast for you.

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Rob’s Hot Take:

In the Cloud 2030 Podcast episode from October 19th, Rob Hirschfeld delves into the topic of limiting large language models (LLMs) in AI and explores the potential legal frameworks for regulating artificial intelligence and technology. The conversation highlights the intriguing idea that Section 230, a core governing principle of the internet that exempts internet service companies from extensive content moderation, could play a pivotal role in shaping technology use. Hirschfeld suggests that changes to Section 230 might serve as a critical component in influencing the control and regulation of emerging technologies like AI. Listeners are encouraged to check out the full October 19th episode for a detailed exploration of these regulatory considerations and can join ongoing discussions at

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